Vampire Academy Book 5 :Spirit Bound

Original Language: English
Publisher: Penguin Group Inc.
Country: USA
Publication Date: May 18, 2010
ISBN: 9781595142504
Page Count: 489


Salvation has its price...

The words stunned Adrian for a moment, but he kept going. "You're lying. What you're describing is impossible.-There's no way to save a Strigoi. When they're gone; they're
gone. They're dead. Undead. Forever." Robert's next words weren't directed at Adrian. They were spoken to me. "That which is dead doesn't always stay dead. . .

AFTER A LONG AND HEARTBREAKING JOURNEY TO SIBERIA, Dimitri's birthplace, Rose Hathaway has finally returned to St. Vladimir's and to her best friend, Lissa Dragomir. It's graduation, and the girls can't wait for their real lives outside of the academy's cold iron gates to finally begin. But even with the intrigue and excitement of court life looming, Rose's heart still aches for Dimitri. He's out there, somewhere.

She failed to kill him when she had the chance, and now her worst fears are about to come true. Dimitri has tasted her blood, and she knows in her heart that he is hunting her. And if Rose won't join him, he won't rest until he has silenced her forever.

But Rose can't forget what she learned on her journey -- whispers of a magic too impossible and terrifying to comprehend. A magic inextricably tied to Lissa that could hold the answer to all of Rose's prayers, but not without devastating consequences. Now Rose will have to decide what -- and who -- matters most to her. And in the end, is true love really worth the price?

Fall in love with Rose and Dimitri all over again in Spirit Bound, the eagerly awaited fifth novel in Richelle Mead's enthralling Vampire Academy series

My thought

Mead is an exceptional author, from the way she has woven this story into something that seems to excel the vampire genre, because these books aren't like anything I have read before. We have Rose our protagonist, who is feisty and fierce, but still manages to be easily reliable . In the previous book, Blood Promise, we saw Rose, heartbroken, after her lover and mentor Dimitri was turned against his will into a Strigoi. We saw her fight back and try to take what was rightfully hers. In this book, we see Rose still on her mission to save Dimitri from himself, even if it means loosing herself. 
The way the characters still seem to be developing even after four previous books is amazing. I was awed at Meads ability to show us readers how character development is something that is not looked over but really thought about. Rose for instance realize that sometimes sacrifices and mistakes have to be made for the outcome to be something that is worth living and fighting for. 
I think Rose may just be my favorite female lead, because of the fact that she isn't dull and lifeless, she's tough and independent and most of all witty. Her sarcastic remarks make me laugh so hard. Her interactions with her peers and her friends we're true to form and never strayed from the Rose we have seen in the previous books. The ending leaves it at another cliff hanger. I hate seeing Dimitri so scared of Rose due to the events before. I get so happy when he tries to protect her though. Their love is amazing and by far one of my favorites. Richelle really made this book draw you in the whole time. Another amazing piece of work. 
Spirit Bound may just be my favorite book so far of the series, closely followed by Shadow Kiss. You get taken on a journey that will make you laugh and cry and more importantly, wish that this books will never end. Absolutely amazing!