Review : Partner in Crime (1929)

Publisher:  *Dodd, Meade & Company
Current edition publisher:  The Berkley Publishing Group 
Edition:  Mass market paperback
Pages:  230
Genre:  Crime drama/Mystery fiction
Source:  I purchased this book

This novel is a compilation of short stories originally published in newpapers.  These are stories of Tommy and Tuppence during the era when they took on running a detective agency.

My thought
The second book in series of Tommy and Tuppence after the Secret adversery contain short story full of humour, mystery, secrets which the duo uncover simply by sheer luck, brilliance and intuition. 
Only a few chapters in but each one tells an individual case taken on by Tommy and Tuppence's detective agency, so each one is a minature detective story.

You wouldn't think that that you could tell a complete detective story within 7 or 8 pages but this is Christie we're talking about and she satisfactorily ties up every loose end within each chapter. Reminded me a bit of Marple's Thirteen Problems but with the dynamic of two main characters to add a richness to the stories. :)

A must read. Actuall the best all the Tommy Tuppence series after this N or M. Go and get them, 
A great read, particularly when you are in the mood for something short, like a short story.  Rated 4/5