21 Fucking Annoying Things All Female Football Fans Are Tired Of Hearing

“I may have a masters degree but the offside rule is beyond me”, said no woman ever.

"You like football? Really? Wow!"

"You like football? Really? Wow!"


"But do you genuinely like football or do you just say that to get guys?"

"But do you genuinely like football or do you just say that to get guys?"

Bravo / buzzfeed.tumblr.com

"OK, so do you actually understand The Offside Rule?"

"OK, so do you actually understand The Offside Rule?"

Which as everyone knows, is next to Einstein's theory of relativity in terms of intellectual difficulty.


"I bet it's all those guys running in shorts you like, aye? Aye? ? ?"

"I bet it's all those guys running in shorts you like, aye? Aye? ? ?"

Oh, if only kicks were that easy to come by.


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