The 20 Most Kobe Bryant Moments Of All Time

The Lakers legend ends a 20 year career tonight.

When 12 teams passed on Kobe in the draft.

When 12 teams passed on Kobe in the draft.

Okay, it was arguably the best draft class of all time, but Todd Fuller and Vitaly Potapenko got drafted before Kobe. Who? Exactly.

When he went to prom with BRANDY.

When he went to prom with BRANDY.

It was 1996 and both stars were 18 years old. Wild times.

Bruce Cotler /

When he won the slam dunk contest as a rookie.

When he won the slam dunk contest as a rookie.

Matt Campbell / AFP / Getty Images

And Brandy was there to cheer him on.

And Brandy was there to cheer him on.

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