Description When Santiago, a young shepherd boy from the Spanish countryside of Andalusia, has a dream that reveals the location of a hidden treasure buried at the Egyptian Pyramids his simple life is suddenly torn in two. Part of him wants to take the chance to go searching for it, and the other p…

વધુ વાંચો
Review : Juliet
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Stay away from stingy people. They are trapped in small souls. “Don’t force people to be perfect. You’ll die trying.” “Everything we say is a story. But nothing we say is just a story.” Great love, you believe, carries the seeds of great sorrow. Well, perhaps you are right. Perhaps the wise spurn o…

વધુ વાંચો
Showcase Sunday#2
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Hey guys! How are you? How was your week? Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits & Tea. It's an opportunity to share the books you may have bought, borrowed, been sent or gifted. Are you taking part in a similar meme? My books this week are : Juliet by Anne for…

વધુ વાંચો
Review : Through a Glass, Darkly
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Name: Through a Glass, Darkly (originally published as I et speil, i en gåte) Written by: Jostein Gaarder Originally Published in: Norwegian Translated by: James Anderson Summary (from Goodreads) As Cecilia lies ill in bed and her family prepare for Christmas, knowing she will not recover, an angel…

વધુ વાંચો
Review : Aleph
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"Tragedy always brings about radical change in our lives, a change that is associated with the same principle: loss. When faced by any loss, there's no point in trying to recover what has been, it's best to take advantage of the large space that opens up before us and fill it with some…

વધુ વાંચો
Review : Mimpi-mimpi Einstein
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"Siapa yang lebih mujur di dunia dengan waktu yang gelisah ini? Mereka yang telah melihat masa depan dan menjalani kehidupan ini? Mereka yang melihat masa depan dan menunggu untuk menjalani kehidupan? Atau mereka yang menolak masa depan dan menjalani dua kehidupan?" “Di suatu dunia, waktu…

વધુ વાંચો
Review : Misteri Nuri Gagap
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Bahasa : Indonesia Pernulis : Alfred Hitchcock Penerbit : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Tahun Terbit : 1985 Tebal : Ukuran buku : 18 x 11 cm Sinopsis Trio Detektif mendapat tugas untuk menemukan Billy Shakespeare, seekor nuri gagap yang hilang. Belum lagi mereka tahu tindakan apa yangharus diambil, see…

વધુ વાંચો