Original Language: English Publisher: Headline Book Publishing Country: United Kingdom Publication Date: 1917 Format : kindle Edition ISBN: 0755334434 Page Count: 242 Genre: Mystery Reading level : YA Rating : 3 stars Book Blurb About to spring out upon my appalled senses, lurked all that was vagu…

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Review: Gift
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Book's info Title: Gift Author: Andrea Buchanan Publisher: Open Road Media Published: 3/27/12 Format : kindle Edition Genre: horror,YA Rating : 3 stars Book Blurb Daisy has an electrifying secret that could save her life—or kill her High school sophomore Daisy Jones is just trying to get by unn…

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Interview with Thaddeus Nowak
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Please enjoy this interview with Thaddeus Nowak, author of the exciting and beautifully written YA fantasy, Mother's Curse , and its sequel, Daughter's Justice . Then read on to learn how you can win huge prizes as part of this blog tour, including a Kindle Fire, $450 in Amazon gift cards,…

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Wishful Wednesday 22nd May
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Ga terasa sudah Rabu lagi, Minggu jaga pagi, saatnya memanjakan diri dengan buku idaman. Minggu ini lagi ngidam buku ini : Book Blurb Jazz Age London, a passionate and forbidden interracial romance, and the unbreakable bond between a bright young woman and her eccentric grandmother come together br…

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Waiting on Wednesday 22nd May
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Waiting on Wednesday was started by Breaking the Spine and serves to showcase those pesky books that aren’t released yet, but that we’re eagerly awaiting! This week, my WoW is… Mission to Paris By Alan Furst Description “A master spy novelist.”—The Wall Street Journal “Page after page is dazzling.…

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Review : The Great Gasby
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Book's detail Original Language: English Publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons Genre: Literature/Poetry/Drama/Art Classic: Ambition, love and betrayal in the 1920s Country: United States Publication Date: April 10, 1925 Format : kindle Edition Page Count: 218 Reading Level: Young Adults Deals …

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Which do you prefer, a real book with pages you can dog-ear, or an
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Dear Reader, Which do you prefer, a real book with pages you can dog-ear, or an e-reader? It's apples or oranges! When reading in bed, or a thick book, or traveling, I prefer the comfort and portability of my device. But in a comfy reading spot at home, there's nothing like glancing at the …

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