Review : Robin's Blue
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Title : Robin's Blue Author : Pam Alster Genre: literature, adult Rating : 3/5 stars Source: This book was provided by NetGalley and Smith Publicity  Plexi Girl media in exchange for my honest review. Book blurb Robin's Blue, Pam Alster's debut novel, is an epic coming-of-age story set …

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Review: Oh La La French woman secret to Feeling Beautiful Everyday
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Author : Jamie Cat Callan Genre: non fiction Rating 4 stars Book blurb French women are not born more attractive than anyone else. They simple learn at a very young age how to feel beautiful, confident, and sexy, inside and out. It's an allure that outlasts youth--in fact, some of France's …

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Review : The Undertaker's Apprentice West Palm #1
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This book was provided by NetGalley and Pocket Star in exchange for my honest review. Publication Date: June 3, 2013 Publisher: Pocket Star Rating: 3/5 stars Format : kindle edition Genre : thriller  Reading level : adult  Book Blurb The first in a four-part, fast-paced serialized psychological thr…

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A Review of See No Evil
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Author: Cristina Guarneri ISBN:  9781613468197 Publisher: Tate Publishing and Enterprises Rating ; 3,5/5 stars Book blurb Having earned a prestigious position, Matt Logan began his career working for the government. It was a welcome change from the life he had grown accustomed to in college-althoug…

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Book blurb For Jeff Brennan, juggling multiple identities is a way of life. Online he has dozens of different personalities and switches easily between them. Offline, he shows different faces to different people: the caring grandson, the angry eco-protester, the bored IT consultant. So when the bea…

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A Review of The A.B.C. Murders
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Title : The A B C Murders Author : Agatha Christie Rating : 5/5 stars Book Blurb Alice Ascher, a shopkeeper in Andover, is bludgeoned to death at her place of work. Next to die is Miss Bernard in Bexhill, then Mr. Clarke in Churston. More disturbing than the alphabetic sequence of the killings or t…

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A Review of The Blind owl by Sadegh Hedayat (1937)
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Title : The blind Owl Author : Sadegh Hedayat Rating : 4,5/5 stars  Book blurb  "(Hedayat) conveys more vividly than Kafka or Poe the state of madness...(The Blind Owl is) a terrifying whorl of incidents that turns and twists upon itself to re-create the labyrinthine movements of an insane min…

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