Review : The Undertaker's Apprentice West Palm #1

This book was provided by NetGalley and Pocket Star in exchange for my honest review.

Publication Date: June 3, 2013
Publisher: Pocket Star
Rating: 3/5 stars
Format : kindle edition
Genre : thriller 
Reading level : adult 

Book Blurb
The first in a four-part, fast-paced serialized psychological thriller, from a talented author who captures quirky South Florida in the bestselling tradition of Elmore Leonard and Carl Hiaasen.
Zach often hears his great aunt Emmy’s hauntingly sweet voice singing in his head. His calling has been to make the dead look beautiful. As a security guard at a West Palm funeral parlor, he strolls alone among the corpses, artfully decorating them…Zack knows the spirits of the dead need his help as they transition to the netherworld. But when his bizarre rituals are discovered, he flees. Not deterred, he comes upon a tall, beautiful woman alone on a yacht and knows she needs the kind of help only he can provide...

With its taut pacing and sly humor, Cordero’s West Palm serialization is relentlessly addictive, peopled with a South Florida psychopath, a burnt out police detective turned P.I., and one gorgeous but tough woman, in a city where trash mingles with class.

My thought
The first installment introduces the tense, fast-paced thriller which revolves around the hunt for a psychopath who thinks his mission is to help his chosen victims cross over to the other side—by murdering them. In Miami, Florida, a young morgue associate is fired for the grisly after-hours decoration of the recently deceased. Mentally unwell, the man then assaults and nearly kills a young woman before escaping. A hard-boiled PI by the name of Smoker must track the psychopath down before he harms anyone else. I think this novella  contains disturbing and fast moving thriller!  I Can't wait to read the second book.