Review : Summer Unplugged

Title : Summer Unplugged
Author: Amy Sparkling 
Rating : 3/5 stars
Genre : YA

Book Blurb
Bayleigh is addicted to her cell phone and her mom has had enough. After catching her sending a less than lady-like photo to a boy who barely knows her, Bayleigh's mom sends her away to her grandparent's house for the summer--sans cell phone, laptop and Ipod. Bayleigh thinks the summer will be torture without social media...that is until she meets the boy next door.

My thought
Bayleigh is a whiny, selfish little brat who really cares for no one but herself. Ian is a tool. I liked Jace, he was charming. I was disappointed by the ending! It didn't so much end as it did...stop. No real resolution. No explanation as to what happens to the main character after she goes home. The story was only acceptable overall; it can't be said to be a good one.