Review : No Show

Title : No Show

Author : Simon Wood

Genre: thriller

Publisher : Thomas & Mercer

Release : June 25,2013

Rating : 4 stars 

Book blurb

Englishman Terry Sheffield has just arrived in San Francisco to start his new life with Sarah, the investigative journalist he married after a transatlantic love affair. But Sarah never shows up at the airport.

When Terry reports his wife as missing, the police chalk it up to a new bride with cold feet. Then one murdered woman after another turns up, all with something in common: they had exposed scandals just before their deaths…and their names appear on a list that Sarah composed. As a journalist, Sarah’s exposed her share of scandals, and Terry realizes that she’s not missing—she’s on the run. 

To find her before the killer does, Terry must explore the dark recesses of his new homeland and rely on the help of some new friends. But as his search brings him closer to finding Sarah, Terry realizes she’s very different from the woman he thought he married.

My thought

No Show was not only an enjoyable read, it was a fun read.  Wood peppers the story with small dollops of black humor, usually between Terry and his new found friend Oscar, and with self-deprecating asides concerning Terry’s nationality.  But No Show is not a buddy story, nor is it a light comedy.  No Show digs deep into a man’s natural instinct to protect a loved-one at all costs, the nature of self doubt, and the pain of someone losing their spouse either emotionally or physically.

There’s plenty of action in the novel to keeps fans of any genre satisfied, and while it may not be brutal, it’s never gratuitous.  Blood does flow, knife’s do cut flesh, and bullets fly in No Show, but Wood tempers it with Terry’s emotional angst, which can hurt just as much as the wounds from any weapon would.

 My problems with the story is the way that Terry marries Sarah (he met her on a vacation and married her after barely knowing anything about her)

If you want an enjoyable reading experience to take to the beach, curl up on your couch, or ride the subway, than I believe you will be very happy with this book. Loved this book. Buy it. You will love it!!!

Please note that I received a free advance ecopy of this book in exchange for a honest  review. Apart from that I have no connection at all to the author or the publisher of this book