Review: Wyvern

Title : Wyvern
Author: AA Attanasio
Publisher : Firelords Press
Format : kindle edition 
Rating : 4 stars 
Source : I received this book in exchange for an honest review. 

Book blurb
Headhunters, sorcerers, pirates and Indian princes thrive in this exciting and poetic tale of a young outcast in Borneo. Born in 1609, son of a native woman and a Dutch sea captain he never knew, Jaki Gefjon grows up in the jungle as a sorcerer’s apprentice. Later kidnapped by pirates, he befriends his captor, Trevor Pym, notorious for his dreaded man-of-war, Wyvern. 
The scientific marvels on the European privateer become the young soul-catcher’s passion – until he falls for Lucinda, the headstrong daughter of Pym’s sworn enemy. Propelled by intrigue, pirates’ battles, curses and visions, this seafaring saga takes Lucinda and Jaki from the South Seas to India – and to a bold, unforeseen destiny in the New World. Join the journey!

My thought
Well written good historic background added with some great fiction, can't stop reading once you start! 
It is an amazing blend of historical fiction with some elements of the fantasy genre
I Loved the characters and the adventure. Wonderful transitional tale of moving from the primitive to the modern
I've never found anything else (by any author) that quite matches this in its sweeping scope. The setting is also wonderfully exotic and refreshingly different from most books in the historical fantasy genre.
Every page was a thriller and I could barely catch my breath between them. This was an astounding read.