Review: Emotional Vampires at Work

Source : i received this book as a digital ARC from Net Galley and this brief review is my opinion only.
Format : kindle edition
Rating :

Contrary to what Bram Stoker wrote, the undead 
walk the streets during broad daylight. They show up in the morning to roam your office hallways, driven by the 
insatiable need of making you just one more slave to the undead

 If you have ever found yourself face-to-face 
with an employee, boss, or consultant who turned out to be a bloodsucker, EMOTIONAL VAMPIRES AT WORK (McGraw-Hill 
Professional; May, 2013; Paperback, $18.00) is the antidote.  Clinical psychologist Dr. Albert Bernstein 
pinpoints how to identify and categorize the Vampire.  He then teaches you to be on the alert for 
attack signs, how to modify your behavior, step out of your own patterns 
(vampires can often get confused by the unexpected), and protect yourself from 
further attempts on your well-being. 

If you’re especially vulnerable to Vampires, 
this will help you identify your own identity type so you don’t get blindsided. 

When vampires get promoted to positions of 
power, they remake organizations in their own image.  To survive, everyone has to act like they do. Soon the entire 
culture begins to resemble a castle in Transylvania.

Learn the fifteen warning signs that tell you 
to get out before sunset, and the five Classic Vampire types:


Antisocials, who crave excitement in all its forms, sex, 
drugs, rock ‘n’roll, larceny, and gambling with other people’s money.

Histrionics, who believe that what it looks like is more 
important than what it is.

Narcissists, who believe that the universe revolves around 

Obsessive-Compulsives, who can’t 
seem to see the forest because of the excessive number of trees.

Paranoids, who think they’ve found the simple truths 
that explain everything.

Thoroughly revised and updated in response to 
thousands of calls and emails Dr Bernstein has received about the book, EMOTIONAL VAMPIRES aims to help you 
cope effectively with the people in life that confound, confuse and sap every ounce of energy.

My thought

This book is right, 

I am surrounded by them, they suck the energy right out of my day and I am left feeling drained and exhausted from exchanges with them. 

Haven't you ever spent time with someone that left you feeling empty ? They are Vampires, emotional vampires. I know they are real and they are not afraid of the light.

Author Albert Bernstein writes clearly with both compassion and humor. Not only does he describe the troublesome personalities that one finds at the workplace, but he offers do-able advice on how to approach working with these emotional vampires. Never react quickly. Slow your thinking before responding. It might take a little practice, but his suggestions are good ones

It was the best book I've read in years on dealing with difficult people. It was so entertaining and light hearted, and even had me laughing many times.