Review : the Merry of Robin Hood Adventure

Title : The Merry Adventure of Robin Hood 
Author: Howard Pyle
Genre: children classic fantasy 
Format : kindle edition.217 pages
Rating : 4 stars

Book blurb ;
He stole from the rich and gave to the poor, and in so doing became an undying symbol of virtue. But most important, Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men offer young readers more than enough adventure and thrills to keep them turning the pages. Who could resist the arrows flying, danger lurking, and medieval intrigue?
My thought
Mr. Pyle took the ballads and stories of Robin Hood and compiled them into what they call "coherent narrative in a colorful, invented "old English" idiom." It was meant for children, which I can see a little, but I maintain that the "old English idiom" will/would/is a bit hard for kids to grasp.
Do you like adventures? If so, this book is perfect for you. Go on many exciting adventures with Robin Hood (a very skilled archer). Also meet his great band of over 60 people! Some people in this band are strong, swift, good staff fighters, or great archers. I would describe this book as very intense. Some parts in this book could be exciting, sad, happy, or funny. The story took place around the 1200s when there were kings, knights, princes, and princesses. Some parts in the book made me think, "What will happen next? My opinion about the book is that "It is one of the best books I have ever read.