Review : Funny Boy Meets the Dumbbell Dentist from Deimos ( with Dangerous Dental Decay)

Title : Funny Boy Meets the Dumbbell Dentist from Deimos ( with Dangerous Dental Decay) 
Author : Dan Gutman
Genre: Children
Rating : 4 stars

Please note that I received a free advance ecopy of this book in exchange for a honest  review. Apart from that I have no connection at all to the author or the publisher of this book

Book blurb
Funny Boy’s super-powered sense of humor has saved the world from airsick aliens, bubble-brained barbers, and a chain of chitchatting cheeses. It’s even won him the love of his life: Tupper Camembert. But this riddle-flinging superhero’s work is far from over. When the president of the United States is summoned for a cleaning with Dr. Denny the dentist, he knows something is wrong—he doesn’t even have an appointment! This is a job for Funny Boy, who must once again use every joke in his arsenal to destroy the evil dentist villain and his hygienist henchmen. But does Funny Boy know enough dentist jokes to save the planet from an invasion of plaque? This ebook features an illustrated biography of Dan Gutman including rare images from the author’s personal collection.

My thought

The hero, Funny Boy, is an alien whose superpower is the ability to tell super-funny jokes. He's a bit out of control and wacky-impulsive. This makes him a very high energy character, and he can actually be a little wearing at times. When the plot and the humor are in sync and rolling the book can be very entertaining. When they aren't, the book can just be sort of frantic. But that's me thinking as an adult. As a kid who is ready for a more challenging chapter book, it may be that everything in here works. This was a very good book, just the right speed for a reader just getting into chapter books. I found myself laughing at it.