Review : Mary, Mary

Title : Mary, Mary
Author: James Patterson
Format : ebook
Genre: thriller mystery
Reading level : adult
Rating : 4 stars

Book blurb
FBI agent Alex Cross is on vacation with his family at Disneyland when he gets a call from the Director. A well-known actress was shot outside her home in Beverly Hills. Shortly afterward, an editor for the Los Angeles Times receives an e-mail describing the murder in vivid detail. Alex quickly learns that this is not an isolated incident. The killer, known as Mary Smith, has done this before and plans to kill again. Right from the beginning, this case is like nothing Alex has ever confronted. Is this the plan of an obsessed fan or a spurned actor, or is it part of something much more frightening? And particularly baffling, how could a woman be capable of these vicious crimes? Members of Hollywoods A-list fear theyre next on Marys list, and the case grows by blockbuster proportions as the LAPD and FBI scramble to find a pattern before Mary can send one more chilling update. Filled with the ruthless and shocking twists that make his fans hunger for more, MARY, MARY is James Pattersons most sophisticated thriller yet.

My thought
Patterson's Mary Mary is an absolute must. Of all his books I have read thus far, Mary Mary tops my list. Alex Cross is a high up crime investigator with the FBI, and he finds himself balancing his job with his complex family situation. He is divorced from Christine, and she has custody over one of his children that he ever so dearly wants to return home to him. Things are also getting sticky at work, where he is trying to find a serial killer who is targeting celebrity women in Los Angeles. The killer leaves a trail of e-mails detailing in depth his (or her) motive and leaves them to Arnold Griner, who is a local reporter for the LA Times. All of the murders lead Cross in different directions regarding the killer until he comes across a very important realization. Cross also learns to keep his priorities in order, and always put his family first. An especially good trait about this book, like most of Patterson's is that he leaves you guessing as to the outcome until the very end. What you think is going to happen does not actually happen and the outcome is very surprising. Anyone looking for a good murder-mystery book should look no further than Mary Mary!