Review : Chaperones

Title : Chaperones
Author : Megan Karasch 
Published : June 13 2013
Publisher : CreateSpace
Rating : 4 stars
Format : ebook
Source : I received a copy of the book from the author and publisher in exchange for my honest review

Book blurb
For Andrea Lieberman, life began at 26. Growing up with parents so protective they made a convent seem like a Sandal’s resort, she developed a catalog of phobias so large, even going into a church seemed risky business. Finally, Andrea had had enough; she wanted to live rather than fear dying. Without hesitation, she accepts a photography assignment for a magazine traveling through England and packs up her camera, her pepper spray and every insecurity she accumulated since birth. Excited but petrified to reveal the news to her boyfriend, he intercepts with news of his own – a marriage proposal, leaving the lingering question of their impending nuptials as she travels abroad. 

Upon touching down in England, Andrea flops around like a fish out of water. The magazine’s staff – the idiot, the slut, and the mute – offer little comfort outside of a pint of beer until she’s assigned two blokes as travel companions – a tight-arsed copywriter and a drop-dead gorgeous art director with movie star charm. These two men help Andrea push herself beyond her comfort zone while testing the limits of her fortitude and her relationship with her boyfriend. The photographic journey becomes a comedy of errors thanks to unforeseen obstacles at every turn. As Andrea struggles to complete the assignment, she discovers the most revealing picture she develops will be of herself.

My thought
Andrea had a life full of fear and regret until the day she decided enough was enough and accepted a photography assignment that would take her to England for six months, alone, knowing she would face many of the things that scared her. And she welcomed that challenge It was great to watch Andrea grow with each independent step she took. She was no longer bogged down by her parents and Brandon, therefore forced to stand on her own two feet and make her own conclusions about just how scary the world was. I was glad that she stood up for herself when it was necessary. It showed just how much she had grown. This was a wonderfully fun and light read that is filled with quirky characters and entertaining dialogue and interactions that will keep the reader in stitches. The reader follows Andrea as she embarks on her adventure in England away from her overbearing and overprotective parents and boyfriend Brandon. Along the way there are some great twists and you definitely become invested in wanting to see where the story takes you. I really enjoyed the book.