Review : Kydona from Ashes

Published: May 31, 2013 
Words: 140,494 (approximate)
Language: English

Book blurb 
The war for the east has begun. Stripped of his royalty, Marcus finds himself fighting for his life on the bronze steppe. It is a war of annihilation, and mercy is a laughable memory at best. Only the ruthless survive in Kydona. But Marcus soon discovers that the worst of human crime is committed outside the heat of battle... 

My thought
In the hard-hitting sequel to Kydona, the war for the east has begun in earnest. Stripped of his royal title, Marcus de Pilars suddenly finds himself at the forefront of a conflict bereft of any notion of humanity. This is the bronze steppe, where any offer of quarter is wasted breath, where even the prone wounded fight to their last blood-choked gasp—where those who live by honor are condemned to die by it. In this war of annihilation, only the ruthless survive.

Even as Marcus battles for his very life, questions continue to nag at his lingering doubts. In the capital, the high lords hold an unseen threat over his father’s head, governing Elessia in all but name. A taciturn commander hints at the myriad secrets surrounding the previous war. Within the ranks of the Royal Watch, whispers abound of an old prophecy on the verge of fulfillment.

But in a world of decadence and corruption, free will can be anyone’s undoing. Mired in sin, even a reborn God can forget his own destiny. Or her