Review: The Hangman's Replacement Sprout of Disruption

Title : THE HANGMAN'S REPLACEMENT  Sprout of Disruption

Format : kindle Edition 
Rating : 5 stars
Reading level : adult
Source : the Author for honest review

Book blurb
If you had to interview the candidates for a country's new hangman, what questions would you ask them? If your family was on the verge of starvation, and becoming a hangman was the only job available, would you apply? If you were hired, what would you do if the prisoners looked like your loved ones? If you knew that another good man was taking the job out of desperation, would you do anything to prevent him from getting it? What if that man's recruitment would somehow guarantee your own survival, would you encourage his candidacy? All these questions were asked of people who never thought they would find themselves in such a position, until they became mired in the chaos surrounding the hangman's replacement.

My thought 
The book contained humor, impeccable word choice and a great insight of the human psyche.
The structure of the book was very interesting. It was written with a mixture of individual stories (that didn't seem to fit together at first), newspaper articles, and letters. The plot wanders from person to person, place to place, adding more dimensions to the story, without ever becoming dull or slow. The mystery unfolds itself elegantly, revealing itself through different perspectives, until the whole tapestry is unveiled in all its color and depth. Subtle details are not neglected, and every one of them reveals or reflects something vital. The result leaves the reader fascinated, turning page after page just to see what could possibly happen next, until the book is finished and the reader looks up, startled, to find that hours have gone by without being noticed.      
About two-thirds of the way into the book, all the pieces started to fit and every bit of understanding I thought I had about the book was wrong and I was intrigued even more. Every little detail, that in most books would be considered a "filler", has a place in this story. The smallest details seem, at times, to play the biggest role in the outcome of the story.
As a reader, I gained a lot of knowledge about what was going on in the characters minds and why they acted the way they did.