Happy birthday to Me

Source : The author provided me with a copy for an honest review
Format : Kindle Edition, 314 pages
Published April 5th 2011 by CreateSpace
Rating : 

Book blurb 
Seventeen-year-old Cameron Martin has a huge problem: he’s aging a whole year of his life with each passing day!

High school is hard enough; imagine rapidly aging from seventeen to seventy in a matter of weeks, with no logical explanation, and with prom, graduation, and the state championship basketball game all on the horizon. That’s what happens to Cameron, a popular pretty boy who's never had to face a day looking anything but perfect.

All Cameron wants to do is go back to normal, but no one, not even the best doctors, can diagnose his condition. When he finds love with a mysterious young woman, however, he realizes his only hope for survival might be with the one person who started his condition in the first place...

My thought
One of the biggest and most significant things to note about this book was character growth, especially with our main character Cameron. He started out as someone that wasn't exactly the greatest of characters to follow, but soon changed into someone wonderful. He went from jerk to a guy with a huge heart - really, I think it was one of the best things about the book. The love interest was interesting, something that I wasn't expecting but was kind of hoping for through most of the novel. There was no insta-love which, again, was a bonus. I think I had the hardest time with the people in Cameron's life, which were both family and friends. I don't know if I would classify them all as insensitive or uncaring.. or maybe both. I just didn't like the way they treated Cameron, but I'm glad that this didn't bring him down.
Happy Birthday To Me was a fantastic book, and I absolutely loved reading it! I encourage everyone to read it, and I hope you love it as much as I did! :D        I was able to read it all in one sitting, the intriguing story line kept me glued to my Kindle until I read the whole thing.