This Amazing Ethiopian Athlete Finished Her Race With Just One Shoe

Holy crap.

Pictured in the center of this photo is Etenesh Diro, a track and field star from Ethiopia who's competing in the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Pictured in the center of this photo is Etenesh Diro, a track and field star from Ethiopia who's competing in the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Olivier Morin / AFP / Getty Images

On Sunday, Diro represnted her country in the women's 3,000-meter steeplechase race.

On Sunday, Diro represnted her country in the women's 3,000-meter steeplechase race.

The steeplechase is an obstacle race that includes 28 barriers to cross, as well as seven water jumps. (NBD.)

Jewel Samad / AFP / Getty Images

She was in first place, but about halfway through the course, Diro got stuck in a tangle with some of the other athletes, fell down, and broke some spikes on her right track shoe.

She was in first place, but about halfway through the course, Diro got stuck in a tangle with some of the other athletes, fell down, and broke some spikes on her right track shoe.

Olivier Morin / AFP / Getty Images

It looked like bad news for awhile.

It looked like bad news for awhile.

Olivier Morin / AFP / Getty Images

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