Zoladiction Reading Event
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Are you ready to be exposed to Zoladdiction this month? See the announcement to find all about this event. In short, o (delaisse) and fanda in http://klasikfanda.blogspot.com/2013/04/zoladdiction-master-post.html?m=1 are hosting this event to praise and spread the knowledge (and addiction) of Émile…

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Quote book of the day
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Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold. Zelda Fitzgerald April 3, 1920: Literary couple Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald made it official 93 years ago today, two weeks after he sold his first novel, This Side of Paradise. She said she wouldn't marry him until he was …

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Waiting on Wednesday :Horrible Harry and the Stolen Cookie
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Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. This week's pre-publication, "can't wait to read" is..... Horrible Harry and the Stolen Cookie Kline, Suzy (Author) Wummer, Amy (Illu…

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Wishful wednesday
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Rabu minggu ini adalah busy wednesday. Hari diawali lebih awal karena ada operasi pagi , dilanjutkan aktivitas di kamar operasi dan poli. Sebagai terapi capek disela sela aktivitas saya coba tulis buku yang saya inginkan. Untuk minggu ini buku yang saya inginkan adalah Title: Birdman (Jack Caffery …

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Top Ten Fictional Crushes In Books
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Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where we list our top tens! This week’s topic is “top ten characters I would crush on if I were also a fictional character.” 1. Peeta Melark in Hunger Games,Peeta's main talents are baking, painting and camouflage. He is also …

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Quote book of the day
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A great nose may be an index Of a great soul Edmond Rostand April 1, 1868: French playwright Edmond Rostand was born in Marseille, 145 years ago today. His famous play, Cyrano de Bergerac, is based on a real person whose nose was, reportedly, only moderately large.

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Review : Sepatu Dahlan
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Hidup, bagi orang miskin, harus dijalani apa adanya - Dahlan Iskan Bekal untuk menjadi pemimpin itu hakikatnya cuma satu. Tahu diri - Kiai Irsyad. (hal 166) Namun, begitu bersila di hadapan Bapak, segala keberanian menguap begitu saja. (hal 250) Pertemanan, barangkali, memang harus diuji dengan per…

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