Top Ten Fictional Crushes In Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where we list our top tens!
This week’s topic is “top ten characters I would crush on if I were also a fictional character.”

1. Peeta Melark in Hunger Games,Peeta's main talents are baking, painting and camouflage. He is also very strong. His artistic talents developed from helping out at his parents' bakery by decorating the beautiful cakes that Katniss and Prim sometimes looked at in the Bakery window. His larger build and strength also give him an advantage during hand-to-hand combat and wrestling.

2. Carter Kane,in Kane Chronicles,is very protective of his family and friends, and would do anything to ensure their safety. He tends to be a gentleman because of the way his dad had raised him, and is usually thinking of how to solve their next problem.

3.Amos Kane, in Kane Chronicles

Amos is kind, easy-going, a powerful magician, and gentle. He is very loving towards his niece and nephew, wants what's best for them and cares deeply for his brother

4.Christian Collinsworth in the Devils wear Prada, a handsome young writer whom Andrea meets at a party, where they develop a mutual attraction

5.Cedric Diggory – Hufflepuff student two years above Harry, school prefect, Quidditch Seeker and captain, co-winner of the Triwizard Tournament, killed by Peter Pettigrew on Voldemort's orders.

6.Sirius Black – Harry Potter's godfather, Gryffindor student at Hogwarts, Animagus, Marauder, disowned for running away from home to live with the Potter family, member of the Order of the Phoenix, killed by his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange

7. Dr Watson in The Hounds of Bakersville
Watson provides Holmes with an ego boost, and Holmes needs Watson's eyes and ears to inconspicuously gather clues

8.Ashley Wilkes in Gone with the Wind A passive, blond, handsome man, Ashley is so caught up in visions of the world as he feels it should be that he never does anything to affect the world as it is

9.Rhett Butler, in Gone with the wind A bold, cynical rule-breaker, Rhett claims that his heroic smuggling during the war was purely for profit and he doesn’t care what society thinks of him

10. Anubis , in Kane Chronicles
He appears to be able to create portals in-and-out of the Duat and anywhere he wants. He may be able to manipulate darkness and he is able to communicate with the dead, appear invisible to mortals, control the souls of others, summon jackal warriors and many other possible powers

If you wanna talk about a crush on any or, better yet, all of these characters, then contact me 'cause we need to talk :)