Review : The Prague Cemetery

Abad kesembilan belas Eropa―dari Torino ke Praha hingga Paris―sarat dengan kengerian dan misteri. Sejarah dihiasi kisah-kisah konspirasi. Para Jesuit berkomplot melawan Freemason. Kaum Republik di Italia menghancurkan imam-imam mereka. Penjahat-penjahat Perancis merencanakan pemboman di siang hari dan merayakan Misa Hitam di malam hari.

Setiap bangsa memiliki agen rahasia, melakukan pemalsuan, persekongkolan, dan pembantaian. Dari penyatuan Italia, Komune Paris, Peristiwa Dreyfus hingga Protokol Sion, Eropa berada dalam kekacauan dan semua orang butuh kambing hitam. Tapi bagaimana jika, di balik semua konspirasi, yang nyata maupun ciptaan, seseorang sedang puas menikmati hasil kerjanya? Bagaimana jika sang penjahat genius jahat itulah yang menciptakan dokumen paling terkenal?

Eco membawa pembaca pada perjalanan tak terlupakan melewati peristiwa-peristiwa menggemparkan dunia, langsung dari sisi tergelapnya. Inilah Eco dalam karyanya yang banyak diagung-agungkan kritikus sebagai sebuah mahakarya.

Initially I had some trouble with this novel, too. That is until I figured out the point of the story, around page 125 or so. I think it's rather telling how we can fail to see something directly in front of us; missing the photo for the pixels, as it were.

What was the point?

Captain Simonini, a virulent antisemite who laid all manner of conspiracies and wrong doing at the feet of the entire Jewish community, was in fact guilty of everything he accused them of! Manipulating world events behind the scenes? This is what Simonini and his shadow masters were actively engaged in--not the Jews. Jews are cheap? After having lunch at a restaurant with a converted Jew, the captain expected to be stiffed for the bill. But that wasn't the case, his dining companion gladly picked up the tab. But who actually left him with a large dinner bill? The Russian! He ate heartily and thought nothing of leaving the captain with the check.

The whole novel is filled with episodes like these. Big, obvious instances proving Simonini's antisemitism is completely unjustified. Stick with it, and read the work a little closer.