Review : Just So Stories

One of the best-loved collections of children's stories of all time that answers such important childhood questions as how the camel got its hump, how the elephant got its trunk, and how the alphabet was made.

Original Language: English
Publisher: Macmillan
Country: UK
Publication Date: 1902
Page Count: 77

These little stories of how various things came to be on our little planet Earth was my favourite as a kid. Fascinating tales about how the Rhino got his skin and how the first alphabet was written are told in a charming voice and contain lovable (and quite sassy, sometimes) characters.
the stories are wildly creative and employ very enjoyable rhetorical elements of repetition and rhythm (among other devices).
My favorites were "How the Camel Got His Hump," "The Elephant's Child," and "The Cat that Walked by Himself."

Great collections of children's tales. Very good fables and stories. Recommended

Reading level : children
Rating 5 stars