Review :Peter Pan

First Edition
Original Language: English
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
Country: United Kingdom
Publication Date: 1911
Page Count: 267

It was Friday night. Mr and Mrs Darling were dining out. Nana had been tied up in the backyard. The poor dog was barking, for she could smell danger. And she was right — this was the night that Peter Pan would take the Darling children on the most breath-taking adventure of their lives, to a place called Neverland, a strange country where the lost boys live and never grow up, a land with mermaids, fairies and pirates — and of course the terrible, evil, Captain Hook. Peter Pan is undoubtedly one of the most famous and best-loved stories for children, an unforgettable, magical fantasy which has been enjoyed by generations.

In the book Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie there is Two heros journey going on. Peter Pans journey is to have fun and be young forever. Captian Hook stands in his was, in a metiforical sence this is his challenge. Wendy original heros journey at the beginning of the book is the same as Peters, but twards the end it changes. Her new heros journey is to get back home to her family. However she must convince Peter to take her back home.

Peter Pan wants to stay young forever, he lives in never land. He lives with tinker bell and the lost boys. Peter takes Wenndy to never land. While there are in never land wendys enjoys being with peter pan but later decided that she misses her family. She trys to convince her brothers to go back home with her. They later decide that they do miss there parents as well as her. Peter pan doesn’t want to take wendy back because he really likes her. The content of this book is very strong and descriptive, so it makes it easy for you to imagine each scene.

In the end wendy returns home, and peter excepts the fact that she wants to go back home. He says his goodbyes. During the book tinkerbell and wendy had issues with one another, but in the end tinkerbell thinks she will miss wendy, mostly because she helped save her life earlier in the book. Although they had there differences, everything was fine in the end.

I’m surprised I didn’t get round to picking this up when I was younger. It’s a lovely book, perfect for children and full of all the little quirks and funny thoughts that kids have at that age. I had a lot of fun comparing the Disney version with the original and discovering that there was quite a bit more to the story than I thought.
This book is magical. The bittersweet ending made me kind of sad though, but I guess you can't have everything in life. The descriptions of fairies and Peter and the Lost Boys and the pirates (especially Hook) were brilliant and all made logical sense. Peter is the most conceited cocky little annoyance that you can't help loving, and he and Wendy were so cute together especially with their 'kisses'. I really liked the writing style, which is largely a sort of bedtime story kind of talking, which, I don't know, kind of soothed me and made me feel like a little kid again. I don't know. But this is a classic, so everyone should read it.

Reading level
All age

5 stars