Top Ten Tuesday : Words/Topics That Instantly Make Me Buy/Pick Up A Book

Top Ten Tuesday is weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is "Words/Topics That Instantly Make Me Buy/Pick Up A Book"

1. mystery
There is nothing like curling up with good books that are real page-turners, unless it is reading those mystery stories.Murder mysteries and suspenseful crime stories can keep you captivated for hours

2. Paranormal
I like paranormal romance and urban fantasy--both the dark stuff and the lighter reads. It's nice to have some laugh-out-loud funny novels to read between the darker novels.

3. Greek
Incredably intreseting way of telling the history of an old scociety's belifes. Holds the reader's attention throughout the entire book. This kind of book has inspired me to further researech the ancient beliefs of the Greek people.

I am really into the Egyptian histories and mythology.

5. Vampire
Vampire literature covers the spectrum of literary work concerned principally with the subject of vampires

6. Boarding school
You might be surprised at how many books are set in a boarding school. Based on how many there are I know that I can’t be the only person out there who loves reading stories set there. In reality I think I would hate boarding school and I only know of two people personally who have ever attended one. But books have me believing they are lovely places, filled with midnight hampers, hijinks, and in YA books the kind of freedom one doesn’t normally experience until college.

7. Witch
I enjoy books that use witches and sisterhood themes. For example the Drake sisters from Christine Feehan, The sister trilogy from Nora Roberts.

8. Funny
it's refreshing to read something a bit more light-hearted, and if it gives me a belly laugh or two, then all the better.

9. Murder
I like a book that makes me guess and still not be fully sure i have the right idea. i dont like anyone or anything to obvious. i like the ones who seem completely innocent until something is revealed to make you understand why they are the killer.

10. Wolfie
You can spend hours and hours delving into theories and ideas about the allegorical meaning and secrets contained within these books

What topics are irresistible to you guy