Book Review : They Do it with Mirror (1952)


Also printed as: Murder with Mirrors

Miss Marple senses danger when she visits a friend living in Stoneygates, a rehabilitation centre for delinquents. Her fears are confirmed when someone shoots at the administrator. Though he is not injured, a mysterious visitor is less fortunate - shot dead simultaneously in another part of the building.

Pure coincidence? Miss Marple thinks not, and must use all her cunning to solve the riddle of the stranger's visit .... and his murder.

My thought

This book was a little more enjoyable than the previous one, mainly in that I had an easier time following the plot, which is important in a mystery. The main character, a seemingly sweet old lady, Miss Marple, arrives at a once grand Victorian estate on a visit to her friend Carrie Louise. Soon enough, however, she finds that Carrie Louise and her husband have been running a home for "delinquent boys", giving them a second chance in life. The mystery is set in motion when one of the "cases", a young man named Edgar Lawson, threatens to shoot Carrie Louise's husband, Lewis Serrocold. Not long after that, a member of Carrie Louise's family is murdered...and then two others at Stonygates estate are killed. At points, the story was a little slow, but overall, it was an entertaining book. However, it was a bit hard to keep track of all the characters at times and their relations to one another.

Rate :3/5