Anti-Doping Agency Reinstates Rio Lab In Time For Olympics

Felipe Dana / AP

The World Anti-Doping Agency on Wednesday reinstated Rio de Janeiro’s testing laboratory just in time for the Olympics in August.

The lab was suspended in June, citing “non-conformity with the International Standard for Laboratories,” but did not elaborate. The lab, however, has since successfully complied with international requirements and so the suspension has been lifted.

Stadiums stand in Olympic Park in Rio de Janeiro.

Felipe Dana / AP

"All parties worked diligently to resolve the identified issue so that the Laboratory could be up and running optimally for the Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games that start on 5 August,” Olivier Niggli, director general for the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), said in a statement. "Athletes can be confident that anti-doping sample analysis has been robust throughout the Laboratory’s suspension; and, that it will also be during the Games."

Had the lab not been reinstated, Rio organizers would have had to send all samples to a certified lab in another country, much like what was done for World Cup blood samples.

LINK: Rio Drug Lab Forced To Suspend Testing Weeks Before Olympics

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