Review : Charlie Bone and The Wilderness Wolf
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About the book Format ebook Title : Charlie Brown and The Wilderness Wolf Author : Jenny Nimmo Description The sixth magical adventure in the NY TIMES bestselling CHARLIE BONE series!Life should be perfect for Charlie now that his parents have been reunited. But mystery and adventure always find hi…

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Review : Rispondimi (Jawablah Aku)
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"Cinta berarti menyerahkan diri sepenuhnya kepada yang lain, tanpa berpikir untuk menyembunyikan apapun." “Orang yang mencintai menanggung resiko lebih besar, dan sering harus membayar harga yang lebih tinggi…” Judul asli: Rispondimi Penulis: Susanna Tamaro Penerbit: PT Gramedia Pustaka u…

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Wishful Wednesday #2
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Sudah rabu lagi, saatnya Wishful Wednesday. Ini buku yang pengen aku baca Title: How to Save a Life Author: Sara Zarr Publication date: September 1, 2012 Publisher: Usborne Format: Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4095-4675-7 Length: 412 pages Genre: Contemporary Age group: Young Adult Everyone knows how to l…

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Top Ten Tuesday : top books I read before I was a blogger.
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Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where we list our top tens! This week’s topic is “top books I read before I was a blogger.” I haven’t been blogging that long so these are actually my favourite books in general. I have been meaning to make a post about my favouri…

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Review : I love my Boss
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Pengarang : Alberthiene Endah Penerbit : Gramedia Pustaka Utama Tebal : 344 halaman Terbit : Januari 2006 Sinopsis Salahkah bila sekretaris naksir bosnya sendiri? Semua orang menyikapi itu dengan pandangan menghina. Tapi apa salahnya jika keadaan itu ditinjau dari cinta sepasang manusia (tanpa embe…

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Description When Santiago, a young shepherd boy from the Spanish countryside of Andalusia, has a dream that reveals the location of a hidden treasure buried at the Egyptian Pyramids his simple life is suddenly torn in two. Part of him wants to take the chance to go searching for it, and the other p…

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Review : Juliet
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Stay away from stingy people. They are trapped in small souls. “Don’t force people to be perfect. You’ll die trying.” “Everything we say is a story. But nothing we say is just a story.” Great love, you believe, carries the seeds of great sorrow. Well, perhaps you are right. Perhaps the wise spurn o…

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