Review : Tidak Ada yang Tidak Bisa
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Judul : Tidak ada yang tidak bisa: Karmaka Surjaudaja Penulis : Dahlan Iskan Penerbit Jaring Pena, 2009 ISBN 9791490333, 9789791490337 Tebal 279 halaman Sinopsis Buku ini memuat cerita yang lengkap dengan tutur yang lemah lembut dari seorang bankir, Karmaka Surdaudaja yang telah selesai menjalankan…

વધુ વાંચો
Showcase Sunday
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Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by the wonderful Vicky at Books, Biscuits & Tea, where we will show off the books and eBooks we received each week. Here are the books 1.The Prague Cemetery by Umberto Eco 2. Tahajud Cinta by Arumi E (Indonesian novel) 3. Nothern Lights by Nora Roberts S…

વધુ વાંચો
Review :Negeri Para Peri
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Sinopsis Negeri Para Peri adalah kumpulan cerpen tergelap yang pernah saya jumpai. Mata dan darah, yang menjadi citra citra dominan, berleburan dengan hitamnya warna dasar cerpen, membangun kontras kontras penuh kekerasan. tebaran ungkapan liris dalam hampir setiap cerpen bukannya mengusik kemutlak…

વધુ વાંચો
Review : The Prague Cemetery
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Abad kesembilan belas Eropa―dari Torino ke Praha hingga Paris―sarat dengan kengerian dan misteri. Sejarah dihiasi kisah-kisah konspirasi. Para Jesuit berkomplot melawan Freemason. Kaum Republik di Italia menghancurkan imam-imam mereka. Penjahat-penjahat Perancis merencanakan pemboman di siang hari …

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Review: Nana
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Synopsis One of the founders of literary naturalism, Émile Zola thought of his novels as a form of scientific research into the effects of heredity and environment. He created characters, gave them richly detailed histories, and placed them in carefully observed, precisely described environments, a…

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Review : Mirror Mirror
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Synopsis The world was called Montefiore, as far as she knew, and from her aerie on every side all the world descended. The year is 1502, and seven-year-old Bianca de Nevada lives perched high above the rolling hills and valleys of Tuscany and Umbria at Montefiore, the farm of her beloved father, D…

વધુ વાંચો
Review : What Every BoDY is Saying
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Original Language: English Publisher: Harper Country: USA Publication Date: April 15, 2008 ISBN: 978-0061438295 Page Count: 272 Synopsis He says that's his best offer. Is it? She says she agrees. Does she? The interview went great—or did it? He said he'd never do it again. But he did. Read …

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