Book Review : Good Memories
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Judul: Good Memories Penulis: Lia Indra Andriana Penerbit: Haru Genre: Teenlit, romance, drama Terbit: September 2013 Tebal: 336 Halaman Harga: Rp 49.000 “Tiga bulan lagi, di waktu dan tempat yang sama, aku akan mengevaluasi apakah kau layak diberi tambahan kupon pertemanan.” Saat banyak orang berh…

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Blurb This is the famous true story of a devoted dog. Bobby, an active Skye Terrier, adores his master Auld Jock, and when the old man dies, Bobby refuses to leave his grave in Greyfriar's Churchyard in Edinburgh. By day, he plays with the local orphans and eats at a nearby tavern, but, in spit…

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Book review : Poirot Investigates
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Original Language: English Publisher: The Bodley Head Country: UK Publication Date: 1924 ISBN : N/A Page Count: 310 My rating Book Blurb Cross a movie star, an archaeologist, a French maid, a prime minister, a wealthy dowager, and an Italian count with Hercule Poirot and you get a collection of the…

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Review : L
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"Memang cinta bukan segala-galanya dalam sebuah pernikahan, tapi cinta itulah fondasinya."  Judul Buku: L Penulis: Kristy Nelwan Penerbit: Grasindo Halaman: 394 Genre: Metropop, ChikLit Novel Indonesia Rating 4 bintang Dengan ke-adventurous-annya, tidak sulit bagi Ava untuk memenuhi renca…

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Book Review : The Catalyst
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Product Details Rating :4 stars Publisher: Gallery Books Release date: April 13,   2013 Language : English Blurb In this thrilling novel, chemist Kevin Hamilton must protect his research, his girlfriend, and himself from dangerous thieves after his experiments. My thought A thriller in which a grad…

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Book Review: Loose Lips by Claire Berlinski
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Title: Loose Lips Author: Claire Berlinski Date Published: June 2004 Series: N/A Rating :3 stars Genre: Contemporary Romance/Adventure ISBN: 0-8129-6709-7 Blurb After sending her résumé to the CIA on a whim, New Yorker Selena Keller is contacted by an Agency recruiter, who asks her how she would fe…

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Review : Partner in Crime (1929)
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Publisher:  *Dodd, Meade & Company Current edition publisher:  The Berkley Publishing Group  Edition:  Mass market paperback Pages:  230 Genre:  Crime drama/Mystery fiction Source:  I purchased this book This novel is a compilation of short stories originally published in newpapers.  These are …

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