Book review : Greyfiars Bobby

This is the famous true story of a devoted dog. Bobby, an active Skye Terrier, adores his master Auld Jock, and when the old man dies, Bobby refuses to leave his grave in Greyfriar's Churchyard in Edinburgh. By day, he plays with the local orphans and eats at a nearby tavern, but, in spite of anything even the Lord Provost himself can do, every night for fourteen years Bobby returns faithfully to sleep by his master.

My thought
The story itself reads well. What a sweet dog, but the story is quite a tearjerker. Have your Tissue ready almost from the very beginning. Without giving everything away I will just say that this is a very old tale that deals with the mourning of a little terrier for his master. Very well written and a joy to read, however if you love dogs the way I do it may be hard to get through it if you are a very sensitive person.
Keeping track of the Scottish words can be tricky, but it adds an honesty to the book. All round a pretty good read. And if you're into this sort of writing, perhaps a mildly magical read.The book is charming and even more of a joy than the movie
 Its a great story for anyone, especially dog lovers! Its a little difficult to read some of Scottish words, but soon got the hang of it. Would recommend the book, good family book.