Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. I heart lists! I could completely cheat this week and just say everything that is unread on my shelves, but that would take away all the fun. These books are ones that I either pre-ordered or rushed out to buy the MOMENT I re…

વધુ વાંચો
Review: Malaikat dan Iblis
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Sinopsis Robert Langdon, simbologis Harvard tersohor, tidak pernah menyangka kalau satu hari dalam hidupnya akan dipenuhi oleh terlalu banyak kejutan. Kalau hanya melihat ambigram yang bertuliskan nama kelompok persaudaraan Illuminati, mungkin itu bukan masalah besar. Tapi melihatnya tercap di dada…

વધુ વાંચો
Review : I Feel Bad about My Neck
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Judul : I Feel Bad About My Neck; Leher: Musuh #1 Para Wanita Penulis: Nora Ephron Penerbit : Dastan Books Tahun: 2007 Genre : Psikologi Wanita Tebal: 236 Halaman ISBN: 978-979-3972-26 Deskripsi Apa yang bisa kita lakukan pada leher kita? Kita bisa mewarnai rambut, mengencangkan kulit wajah, menamb…

વધુ વાંચો
Review Uncle Tom's Cabin
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About the book Paperback, 438 pages Published December 5th 1999 by Wordsworth Classics (first published 1852) ISBN1840224029 (ISBN13: 9781840224023) edition :English original title : Uncle Tom's Cabin: or Life Among the Lowly Synopsis The narrative drive of Stowe's classic novel is often ov…

વધુ વાંચો
Review :Notes from Qatar
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Judul Buku : Notes From Qatar “Positive, Persistence, Pray” Penulis : Muhammad Assad Penerbit : PT Elex Media Komputindo, Kompas Gramedia Kota Terbit : Jakarta Tahun Terbit : 2011 Jumlah Halaman …

વધુ વાંચો
Review : the Da Peci Code
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Ini bukan kisah tentang misteri 'peci suci' ala 'cawan suci' yang disembunyikan oleh para Biarawan Sion. Ini adalah kisah menggelitik seorang anak Jakarte yang kritis juga romantis... *** "Sebuah kisah yang renyah." – FORUM Keadilan "Perbenturan nilai yang kerap terja…

વધુ વાંચો
Review : The Prophet
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Description A brilliant man's philosophy on love, marriage, joy and sorrow, time, friendship and much more. Originally published in 1923 - translated into more than 20 languages. With 12 full page drawings by Gibran. Review There are men who have found the truth and remained silent, because the…

વધુ વાંચો