Review Uncle Tom's Cabin

About the book
Paperback, 438 pages
Published December 5th 1999 by Wordsworth Classics (first published 1852)
ISBN1840224029 (ISBN13: 9781840224023)
edition :English
original title : Uncle Tom's Cabin: or Life Among the Lowly

The narrative drive of Stowe's classic novel is often overlooked in the heat of the controversies surrounding its anti-slavery sentiments. In fact, it is a compelling adventure story with richly drawn characters and has earned a place in both literary and American history.

i would like to say that this book was not as good as I thought it would be. I would still recommend it to anyone that likes to read about the past of african americans change. Uncle Tom was the main character in this story. In the story Uncle Tom shows that he is very brave. He shows it in the story when he stands up for others when they are all slaves. He also shows that he is brave when he stands up to Legree and later gets flogged. I would say that the climax of the story is when Uncle Tom dies. He dies after Legree beats him down and leaves him to die in a shed. Tom doesn't die right away, but then dies because of the heat and sickness. The theme to this story is even though Tom knew the risks of standing up to the master and for the others in the slave camp he still did it. This relates to the real world by you should always stand up for what you believe in. Overall this book really tells the struggles of what the african americans went through and this is a magnificent book to read to truly understand the whole story of what happend way back in history.

Reading level : adult
Rating : 3 stars