Review : The Nose

Title : The Nose
Author : Nicholai Gogol
Format : ebook

"The Nose" is a satirical short story by Nikolai Gogol. Written
between 1835-1836, it tells of a St. Petersburg official whose nose leaves his
face and develops a life of its own.

Dmitri Shostakovich's opera The Nose, first performed in 1930, is
based on this story. A short film based on the story was made by Alexandre
Alexeieff and Claire Parker in 1963 and used pinscreen animation. A play based
on the short story was written by Tom Swift and produced by The Performance
Corporation in 2008.

Summary :
Some people take Gogol too seriously. Me? I just apply duct tape to the edges of my nose to make sure it won't get up and walk away. It seems to be a functional, cheap solution. And I can change the color weekly!

Review ini diikutkan dalam challenge :
1.Book In English 2013
2. Finding New Author 2013