Waiting for Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking The Spine.
It’s all about spotlighting upcoming releases we’re eagerly anticipating.
Share your books and remember to visit Breaking The Spine for more great books!

This week I am waiting for

The Girl from Summer and Other Stories
Raffetto, Joseph (Author)
Publication Date: 31 March 2013
The Girl from Summer and Other Storiesis a brilliant collection of four novellas by Joseph Raffetto. The new work includes two coming-of-age stories set in the 1970s, Inside '75andSeeds from '79; the remarkable tale of Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda Sayre's early love, Young Scott and Zelda; and the dark, psychological drama and romance, The Girl from Summer.
Young Scott and Zelda
Twenty one-year-old F. Scott Fitzgerald was a pretty boy, a drinker, remarkably outgoing for one so sensitive and, of course, gifted. It was during this period in his life that he fell madly in love with the beautiful, eccentric, and talented eighteen-year-old Southern belle, Zelda Sayre. This is the historic story of their early romance.
The Girl from Summer
Kristin Boyd returns home to try to recover. She is soon drawn to Holden Helms, a former professional baseball star, who destroyed his career because of his own demons.
They must come to terms with their pasts through forgiveness, reconciliation, or revenge. Only then will there be, for better or for worse, epiphany.
Inside '75
Three fifteen-year-old boys from solid middle-class families compete in middle league baseball playoffs. However, it is off the field where their courage, respect, and compassion shine through fistfights, racism, the recession, and their own code of loyalty. A coming-of-age story in the tradition of The Outsiders.
Seeds from '79
John, a handsome and volatile nineteen-year-old, discovers Ellen. She is as mysteriously alienated as he. Through the maze of pressure from family and friends, they crisscross the lines between darkness and light, alienation and passion, trying to reconcile their differences.Their fights are all our fights.

Sound interesting isn't it?