Review : Madly

Title : Madly
Original Language: English
Publisher: M. Leighton Books
Country: USA
Publication Date: November 7, 2011
Page Count: N/A

Madly is your average nearly-eighteen year old girl—for a mermaid princess, that is. Madly James is thoroughly enjoying her internship on dry land in Slumber when the unthinkable happens—there’s a prison break in Atlas, Madly’s home beneath the sea. A traitor has set free eight Lore, the spirits of what humans know as fairy tales, and they are making their way to Slumber to awaken their descendants. In order to save her home, the lives of her family, and all of humanity, Madly must learn to wield her exceptional powers and recapture the Lore before it’s too late and all is lost. But Madly’s only help are her two best friends and the Sentinel that threatens both her heart and her destiny. Can she resist love to become the queen she was fated to be? Or can she find a way to have both?


Madly is your average nearly-eighteen year old girl—for a princess, that is.
Madly James is thoroughly enjoying her internship in the small town of Slumber when the unthinkable happens—there’s a prison break in Atlas, the magically-protected home of Madly’s race. A traitor has set free eight Lore, the spirits of what humans know as fairy tales, and they are making their way to Slumber to awaken their descendants.

In order to save her home, the lives of her family, and all of humanity, Madly must learn to wield her exceptional powers and recapture the Lore before it’s too late and all is lost. But Madly’s only help are her two best friends and the Sentinel, Jackson Hamilton, that threatens both her heart and her destiny. Madly has loved Jackson as long as she can remember, but he is the one thing even a princess can’t have. Can she resist love to become the queen she was fated to be? Or can she find a way to have both?

“I love Ms Leighton's writing style. After reading Down To You and as I already had this on my TBR list, I thought I would start this series. I realise now I should have started this a long time ago.

Even though this is a novelette, it still gives the reader an introduction into the life of Madly, a nearly eighteen year old that is a princess. Madly is attending school, has friends and does all the normal things, only she isn't normal, she is a mermaid.

During class, Madly feels pain, it doesn't make sense and she is goes to seek her parents and find out what is going on. Madly finds out that her parents are being held hostage.

A sentinel, Jackson, is assigned to protect Madly. He has known Madly since childhood and they seem drawn to each other, but don't want to acknowledge their feelings. The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife, but this is only because Madly is betrothed to another.

Madly James: Princess of the underwater world of Atlas, a Mer
Jackson Hamilton: Jersey's brother, who Madly secretly loves, a Sentinel
Aidan: One of Madly's best friends, who she is to be betrothed to
Jersey Hamilton: Madly's best friend
Ulrich Wolfhardt
Lady Sheelah
Mr. Laraby
Mrs. Kinkaid

Reading Level: Young Adults

Rating : 3 star

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