Rick Riordan લેબલવાળી પોસ્ટ્સ બતાવી રહ્યાં છેબધું બતાવો
Book Review: the House of Hades
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My rating 5 stars Blurb HAZEL STANDS AT A CROSSROADS. She and the remaining crew of the Argo II could return home with the Athena Parthenos statue and try to stop Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter from going to war. Or they could continue their quest to find the House of Hades, where they might be a…

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Kane Chronicles Book 3 : the Serpent's Shadow
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The Serpent's Shadow (The Kane Chronicles, Book 3) by  Rick Riordan PUBL. RECOMMENDED AGE:  10-16 years PUBLISHER:  Disney Hyperion Books YEAR PUBLISHED:  2012 NO. PAGES:  416 GENRE{S}:  Fantasy ,  Adventure   Rating   Blurb He's b-a-a-ack! Despite their best efforts, Carter and Sadie Kane …

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Review : Percy Jackson & The Olympians-The Last Olympians-Dewi Olympia
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Judul: Percy Jackson & The Olympians-The Last Olympians-Dewi Olympia Terakhir ISBN: 978-979-433-590-1 Pengarang: Rick Riordan Penerbit: Mizan Fantasi Tanggal Terbit: Cetakan Juni 2010 Halaman: 454 hal. Sinopsis Akhirnya ramalan besar itupun didengar utusan Percy Jackson. Saat beberapa hari lagi…

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Review: Percy Jackson and the Olympias buku 4 Pertempuran di Labyrinth
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Pengarang : Rick Riordan Genre : Fantasy, Mythology, Adventure Tebal : 448 hlm ; 20 cm Penerbit : Mizan Fantasi Sinopsis Percy pindah sekolah ( lagi ). Tapi kali ini lebih parah, orientasi murid baru, Percy sudah…

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Review:Percy Jackson and the Olympias buku 3 Kutukan Bangsa Titan
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Bahaya yang datang tak berhenti hingga di situ. Sesosok monster purba yang telah punah hingga ribuan tahun kini bangkit—monster yang dikabarkan sebagai pembawa kiamat bagi dewa-dewi Olympus. Dan Artemis, satu-satunya dewi yang tahu cara melacaknya, tengah menghilang tanpa jejak. Kini, Percy dan tem…

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Review :The Kane Chronicles 2 : THE THRONE OF FIRE
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Judul :The Kane Chronicles 2 : THE THRONE OF FIRE No. ISBN 9789794336779 Penulis Rick Riordan Penerbit Mizan Tanggal terbit April - 2012 Sinopsis Pertarungan melawan Kekacauan terus berlanjut. Sejak Dewa-Dewa Mesir terlepas ke dunia modern, Carter dan Sadie Kane terlibat banyak masalah. Dan kini, …

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