Book Review: the House of Hades

My rating

5 stars


HAZEL STANDS AT A CROSSROADS. She and the remaining crew of the Argo II could return home with the Athena Parthenos statue and try to stop Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter from going to war. Or they could continue their quest to find the House of Hades, where they might be able to open the Doors of Death, rescue their friends Percy and Annabeth from Tartarus, and prevent monster from being reincarnated in the mortal world. Whichever road they decide to take, they have to hurry, because time is running out. Gaea, the bloodthirsty Earth Mother, has set the date of August 1 for her rise to power.
ANNABETH AND PERCY ARE OVERWHELMED. How will the two o them make it through Tartarus? Starving, thirsty, and in pain, they are barely able to stumble on in the dark and poisonous landscape that holds new horrors at every turn. They have no way of locating the Doors of Death. Even if they did, a legion of Gaea's strongest monsters guards the Doors on the Tartarus side. Annabeth and Percy can't exactly launch a frontal assault.
Despite the terrible odds, Hazel, Annabeth, Percy, and the other demigods of the prophecy know that there is only one choice: to attempt the impossible. Not just for themselves, but for everyone they love. Even though love can be the riskiest choice of all.

Join the demigods as they face their biggest challenges yet in "The House of Hades," the hair-raising penultimate book in the best-selling Heroes of Olympus series.

My opinion

Piper, Jason, Leo, Nico, Frank, and Hazel fight monsters to get to the House of Hades so they can close the doors of death. Meanwhile, Percy and Annabeth try to escape Tartarus. Thai Book As exciting as the earlier books in the saga, this volume brings in a new feature. Each and every one of the teens in the book have to face his or her deepest fears and grow from self-knowledge. They surprise each other, and they surprise themselves. They see their vulnerabilities, but with these they find their true strength

I really liked this book. It was interesting to find out what happened after a major cliffhanger from the previous book. 

This series is really hitting its stride at the right time. The series started out weaker than the "Greek" story arc, but it's definitely picking up now. Good read, and can't wait for the last book in the series.

I would recommend this book to people aged from 12 and higher. Also people that enjoy reading about action and adventure, and also a bit of fantasy.