Book Review: Sekret

Author : Lindsay Smith
Publisher: Roaring Brook Press (Macmillan Children's)
Pages: 352
My rating : 4 stars

I received an ARC from the publisher and I’m writing this honest review to say thank you


From debut author Lindsay Smith comes an espionage thriller
with a dash of both history and dystopia.

Yulia’s father always taught her that an empty mind is a safe mind. She has to hide her thoughts and control her emotions to survive in Communist Russia, especially because she seems to be able to read the minds of the people she touches. When she’s captured by the KGB and forced to work as a psychic spy with a mission to undermine the U.S. space program, she’s thrust into a world of suspicion, deceit, and horrifying power where she can trust no one.

She certainly can’t trust Rostov, the cruel KGB operative running the psychic program. Or handsome Sergei who encourages her to cooperate with the KGB. Or brooding Valentin who tells her to rebel against them. And not the CIA, who have a psychic so powerful he can erase a person’s mind with his own thoughts. Yulia quickly learns she must rely on her own wits and power to survive in this world where no SEKRET can stay hidden for long.

My thought

 The storyline was pretty good though, and there were plot twists that i enjoyed, for sure I found I had a hard time putting Sekret down every time I started it, because I had to know what was happening to these characters and this world. The scene is set beautifully and the writing is lovely.I love the paranormal aspect and the historical aspect in this novel 

I loved all the characters, and I thought Yulia was a fabulous.this is definitely a book you won’t want to miss.This is a very good debut for Lindsay Smith