Book Review : Wedding Night

Original Language: English
Publisher: The Dial Press
Country: UK
Publication Date: April 23, 2013
ISBN: 0812993845
Page Count: 464
Rating : 3 stars

"Youth is still where you left it, and that’s where it should stay. Anything that was worth taking on life’s journey, you’ll already have taken with you.
“You fall in and out of love, but when you really love's forever.”
“You can't switch sides!" I glare at him in fury.

"I was never on your side," retorts Lorcan. "Your side is the nutty side.”
“My great moment of triumph ... It's all turned to dust. I wasn't the heroine of the hour. I was the thoughtless, stupid villain.”

The new novel from #1 bestselling author Sophie Kinsella!   Lottie is tired of long-term boyfriends who don’t want to commit to marriage. When her old boyfriend Ben reappears and reminds her of their pact to get married if they were both still single at thirty, she jumps at the chance. There will be no dates and no engagement—just a straight wedding march to the altar! Next comes the honeymoon on the Greek island where they first met. But not everyone is thrilled with Lottie and Ben’s rushed marriage, and family and friends are determined to intervene. Will Lottie and Ben have a wedding night to remember or one to forget?

My thought
Lottie believes her boyfriend is about to propose but when that doesn't happen, she goes off on one of her unfortunate choices, as dubbed by her older sister, Fliss. This time that unfortunate choice comes in the form of Lottie's first love, Ben. When Ben asks Lottie to marry him, Fliss pulls out all the stops in order to make sure the wedding doesn't take place. 
 I found the book amusing in spots but not as funny as some of Kinsella's other books.Kinsella's books are always hilarious and page turners specially the beginnings just fly by. But this book lacked both these qualities. Of course large parts of the book are totally unbelievable but it's a good fluff read.