Book Review: Princess in Training

  • My rating 3 stars


    Princess for president!

    Student body president, that is. It's all the fault of Princess Mia's power-mad best friend and campaign manager, Lilly, who nominates her in the first place. This is not how Mia imagined kicking off her sophomore year, even if Grandmère thinks ruling her high school makes good practice for ruling Genovia someday.

    As usual, Mia has bigger problems to worry about, though. Sophomore geometry appears to be just as hard as freshman algebra, and a shocking B on her first English assignment has Mia reeling. And with Michael, her one true love, uptown at college, what is the point of even getting up for school in the morning? The last straw is what Lana whispers to her on the lunch line about what college boys expect of their girlfriends.

    Really, it's almost more than a princess in training can bear.

    My thought

    The story

    A girl named Mia meets her grandmother. She happens to be the queen of Genovia. Mia's grandma told Mia that she is the princess and has to take princess lessons with her grandma. How will that turn out?

    This book was okay. There were many slow parts. The use of imagery was fantstic and was one of the reasons why it was good. It had a lot of drama 

    The main character, Mia was very interesting to read about. It was a better book than I thought it would be but its still not my favorite. I like how Mia is a teenager because it makes me feel liike I could have her life. Overall all an okay book.

    Meg Cabot is one of my favorite authors and I love her writing style. Even though she's not a teenager, she could really write a story with a teenager's perception and she puts so much detail in it

    “She will be more of a princess than she ever was—a hundred and fifty thousand times more.”
    A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett (Introduction)
  • “Princesses do not beat on the podium with their fists when they make a point.”
    Clarisse Grimaldi Renaldo
  • “You can’t tell what’s in someone’s heart by the way he or she dresses.”
    Boris Pelkowski
  • “All boys want to Do It.”
    Lana Weinberger via Mia Thermopolis
  • “But just because you’ve found your one true love doesn’t mean that your relationship isn’t going to be fraught with hardship from time to time.”
    Tina Hakim Baba
  • “The road to romantic bliss is filled with many potholes and speed bumps. People think that once they’ve found that special someone, everything is smooth sailing. But nothing could be farther from the truth. Good relationships only stay that way through hard work and personal sacrifice on the part of both participants.”
    Tina Hakim Baba
  • “Remember, communication is the key.”
    Tina Hakim Baba
  • “Just tell him to cool his jets.”
    Lilly Moscovitz
  • “These people, who act as if they have a right to govern you and me, are completely unqualified for the job due to the simple fact that they don’t believe in the most fundamental precepts of our nation, and that’s that we are ALL CREATED EQUAL. Not a single one of us is better than any other person here. And that includes any princesses who might be in the room.”
    Mia Thermopolis
  • “Government is legitimate only to the extent that it is based on the consent of the people being governed.”
    John Locke via Mia Thermopolis
  • “I have to hand it to that Clarisse. She is one old dame you don’t want to get on your bad side.”
    Lilly Moscovitz
  • “I knew going into this that it wasn’t going to be easy, Mia. I mean, aside from the age difference and you’re being my sister’s best friend, there’s the whole princess aspect to it . . . the constant-hounding-bypaparazzi/can’t-go-anywhere-without-a-bodyguard thing. A lesser man might find all that daunting. I, on the other hand, have always enjoyed a challenge. Besides which, I love you, so it’s all worth it to me. <3”
    Michael Moscovitz
  • “It’s not that I’m trying to rush into something you aren’t ready for. It’s just that I know it takes you a while to get used to things. So, I want you to start getting used to this: You’re the girl I want. One day, you WILL be mine. <3”
    Michael Moscovitz
  • “The fact is, I love him. He’s the boy I want. And one day, he WILL be mine. <3”
    Mia Thermopolis

  • First, write the numbers 1 through 11 in a column. Beside numbers 1 and 2, write down any two numbers you want. Beside the 3 and 7, write down the names of members of the opposite sex. Write anyone’s name (like friends or family) in spots 4, 5, and 6. Write down four song titles in 8, 9, 10, and 11.

  • The person you name in number 5 is the one who knows you very well. The person you name in 6 is your lucky star. The song in 8 is the song that matches with the person in number 3. The title in 9 is the song for the person in 7. The song in 10 tells you most about YOUR mind. The answer in 11 is the song telling you how you feel about life.

  • The road to romantic bliss is filled with many potholes and speed bumps. People think that once they’ve found that special someone, everything is smooth sailing. But nothing could be farther from the truth. Good relationships only stay that way through hard work and personal sacrifice on the part of both participants.


  • So, I want you to start getting used to this: You’re the girl I want. One day, you WILL be mine.”

  • Government is legitimate only to the extent that it is based on the consent of the people being governed

  • But just because you’ve found your one true love doesn’t mean that your relationship isn’t going to be fraught with hardship from time to time.

  • My life is a constant roller coaster…joy followed by crushing disappointments, with occasional patches where nothing at all happens and I just admire the scenery.