Book Review: Me Times Three

My rating 1 stars

Everything’s going right for Sandra Berlin. She is living in Manhattan, climbing the editorial ladder at ultra-chic fashion magazine Jolie! , and she’s just become engaged to Bucky Ross, her high-school sweetheart. Bucky’s her knight in shining WASP armor, a successful ad executive and a descendant of Betsy Ross, and their future promises a life of comfortable suburban bliss: the Tudor mansion, the beautiful children, the country club. And then, three weeks later, at a party at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Sandy meets Bucky’s other fiancée. Who tells her about Bucky’s third fiancée. Which begins Sandy’s journey through the unfamiliar world of heartbreak and betrayal—and the most excruciating blind dates in the history of singledom. As she tries to piece her life back together, she relies on the common sense and compassion of her best friend, Paul—a rising young film agent, gorgeous, gay, and moneyed—to keep her sane. But even Paul has his secrets, and soon Sandy is forced, on her own, to reexamine her past and, more important, what she wants for her future. Me Times Three is comic and tender, outrageous and wise—a shrewd, dead-on portrait of a certain slice of New York life. It’s a story about wished-for ideals versus hard realities, about being who you are versus the desire to fit in, and, finally, about how love can surprise us in the most unexpected ways.

My opinion

I read this book because it seemed like it had so much potential to be a great story. However, that potential disappeared by the end of the first chapter. The Story tells of young woman growing up and realizing what she needs and wants in her life and how to get it. Or, get rid of it.  I was expecting a fluffy romantic comedy and instead found a darker, more thoughtful novel.

The books was slow paced and often-times choppy because the use of transitions was pretty weak. The basic premise of finding out that the love of your life is engaged to two other women is interesting, but the novel itself progresses at a snail's pace, the "plot twists" are entirely predictable. There seemed to be a lot of unneeded material.Most of the trouble with this book was bad editing. The story should have been spiced up and smoother. In conclusion, it is a simple read, and it will hold your attention for a little while. 

I wanted to like this book, but it simply bored me. If you want to save your time for a novel worth reading, skip this