Book Review: the Secret of The Immortal Nicholas Flamer The Necromancer

My rating 4 stars


San Francisco: After fleeing to Ojai, then Paris, and escaping to London, Josh and Sophie Newman are finally home. And after everything they've seen and learned in the past week, they're both more confused than ever about their future. Neither of them has mastered the magics they'll need to protect themselves from the Dark Elders, they've lost Scatty, and they're still being pursued by Dr. John Dee. Most disturbing of all, however, is that now they must ask themselves, can they trust Nicholas Flamel? Can they trust anyone?

Alcatraz: Dr. Dee underestimated Perenelle Flamel's power. Alcatraz could not hold her, Nereus was no match for her, and she was able to align herself with the most unlikely of allies. But she wasn't the only one being held on the island. Behind the prison's bars and protective sigils were a menagerie of monsters-an army for Dee to use in the final battle. And now Machiavelli has come to Alcatraz to loose those monsters on San Francisco. Perenelle might be powerful, but each day she weakens, and even with Nicholas back at her side, a battle of this size could be too much for her. Nicholas and Perenelle must fight to protect the city, but the effort will probably kill them both.

London: Having been unable to regain the two final pages of the Codex, Dee has failed his Elder and is now an outlaw-and the new prey of all the creatures formerly sent to hunt down Flamel. But Dee has a plan. With the Codex and the creatures on Alcatraz, he can control the world. All he needs is the help of the Archons. But for his plan to work, he must raise the Mother of the Gods from the dead. For that, he'll have to train a necromancer. And the twins of legend will make the perfect pupils. . . .

My opinion 

The story 

Perenelle, Nicholas and the twins go to see prometheus and teach Josh the magic of fire when Josh gets captured ad is used to raise Coatlicue.

The series is OK, though there are much better conspiracy theory books. The famous people in history who are in on the theory are immortal. So, when ever you get into a cliff hanger, the author can pull a name out of a hat and toss it into the mix. I recommend this book to any one that loves books with fighting, fantasy, and adventure. I wish I could be in this book because I thought this was a great book to be in with so many people that were famous in the past 

The author delivers again as the story winds even deeper through the maze of quality literature. Each element of the story and each movement of the characters can be visualized by the reader.the author did not leave us with a cliff hanger, but threw us out of a high flying plane and let us fall without a parachute at the end of the book.Anyone reading this series will have a great history lesson and will want to read more about the characters outside of this portrayal