Book review: Harlequin Tea Set and other stories

Published: 1923
Genres: Short story, Detective fiction

A grand treasure for fans of the grande dame of mystery, The Harlequin Tea Set and Other Stories brings together nine rare and brilliant Christie tales of murder and detection that span nearly half a century of her storytelling genius. In "The Mystery of the Spanish Chest," Hercule Poirot unravels the psychological conundrums that motivate a killer. . . . In "The Actress," a great star's shady past becomes the plaything of a blackmailer. . . . In "The Harlequin Tea Set," Mr. Harley Quin helps a man save his loved ones from the greedy hand of murder. These and six other stories of danger and detection complete this truly stellar collection.

My thought 

Nine previously uncollected gems, including "While the Light Lasts," "The House of Dreams" and "The Mystery of the Spanish Chest.pkirk

Aug 27, 2010
  • pkirk rated this: 4 stalinteresting set of stories not quite what I expected but well written stories that show how good a writer Christie was.