Book Review : Rose

Reading Level: Middle Grade
Genre: Fantasy
Size: 240 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks Jabberwocky
Release Date: September 3, 2013
Stand Alone or Series: 1st book in the Rose series
Source: eGalley from
My rating

Book blurb
Rose is an orphan, who has lived at St Bridget's Home for Abandoned Girls for as long as she can remember. One afternoon, a thin woman in a smart black coat comes to the orphanage looking for a maid-of-all-work, and chooses Rose. Rose is delighted. Miss Bridges looks stern, but she is surprisingly pleasant as they walk to Rose's new home -- a tall, thin town house in a smart square. When she's inside and being shown her small attic bedroom, Rose realises that the house is drenched in magic! Rose knows this because she has a certain amount of magic herself. She can tell thrilling stories that transform themselves into pictures on shiny surfaces as she speaks, and she rescues her alchemist master's apprentice from a mist-creature he has mistakenly conjured up. It is this magic that she will call upon in times of dire need, for children are going missing across the town, and none of them show any signs of returning...

My thought
I got a copy of this book to review through NetGalley(dot)com
I LOVE the cover of this book. Seriously, the whole way through I kept on closing the book to stare at the gorgeous cover. I don't think 'Rose' quite lived up to this marvellous cover, but it was quite an entertaining read.I Loved Gus he was such a mood lifter through-out the entire book, he was hilarious at times. and he was such a cool looking cat with the two different eye colours.
Rose, as a character, wasn't overlybelievable, but then it's a book aimed at 9+, so I suppose character development isn't a very important thing in that age group. Freddy was quite believable, but that's probably because annoying characters are more convincing! I wish Mr. Fountain and Bill were in it more, we didn't see much of them.