Book Review : The Frog Princess

My rating 3 stars

After reluctantly kissing a frog, an awkward, fourteen-year-old princess suddenly finds herself a frog, too, and sets off with the prince to seek the means--and the self-confidence--to become human again. A Texas Lone Star Reading List Book. A Book Sense 76 Children's Pick

My thought
This really clumsy princess has to marry a self-obsessed prince so everyday he comes to visit she runs away to the swamp. There she meets a talking frog who persuades her to kiss him. When she kisses him SHE turns into a frog. And then they try and turn back into a princess and prince.

It is A fun book to read; a twist on the classic fairytale story. Kind of reminds me of the Disney movie "The Princess and the Frog"  I liked story because it was fantasy. It was easy for me to read, so I finished fast. If you like the "Fairytales with a Twist" genre, you'll love these books as much as I do. 


  • “Remember that time with the crab dumplings? After I used that spell to make them, they grew claws and ran away!”
    Princess Emeralda
  • “I do like enthusiasm.. But we better hurryand get started efore she passes out.”
  • “I'm glad you like it. So how about a kiss now? -Eadric) I can't kiss you know! All your friends are watching! -Emma) It's all right. We'll close our eyes. -Eadric)”
    Eadric and Emma

  • I don't know much about little brothers, but from what I've heard they are not the most reliable sources of information.

  • He's so in love with himself that there's no room for anyone else in the relationship.

  • 'Maybe you would feel otherwise if you knew that I was a prince turned into a frog by an evil witch.

  • Beware, all ye who would trespass here. Those who set foot beyond this portal uninvited shall have their hearts ripped out by dragons and their brains eaten by maggots. Deliverymen, please leave all packages by the door. Emeralda, I've been called away for a few days. I'll let you know when I get back. We'll make your favorite fruit tarts.

  • Have you ever seen the way he looks at his own reflection in a looking glass? It's enough to make a dog sick
  • I left the castle today so I wouldn't have to visit with an obnoxious prince. Now here I am, talking to an obnoxious frog who says he's a prince.'

  • 'But this is important. It's a matter of life or froghood
  • 'No! Wait! Come back!' called the frog. 'You can't go now! This is an emergency! Where's your compassion? Where's your sympathy? Where's my kiss?'

  • 'What do I look like, a gypsy fortune-teller?

  • Jorge was poised and handsome and so full of himself that even his horse had to kneel when his master entered the stable