Book Review : House of Jaguar

My rating :4,5 stars

Shot down over the jungle with a planeload of marijuana, Vietnam War hero Joe Murphy gets caught up in the brutal Guatemalan Civil War when he witnesses an attack on a Mayan village by the Guatemalan Army and its CIA "advisors." Badly injured, he escapes on a nightmare trek through the jungle, hunted by the Army, the CIA, and death squads. Healed by guerrilla doctor Dona Villalobos, he falls in love with her and tries to save her from the War's widening horror of insanity, tragedy, and death. Caught in the crucible of violence and love, he learns the peaks and depths the human heart can reach, and what humans will do for, and to, each other. Based on the author's own experiences as one of the last foreign correspondents left alive in Guatemala after over 100 journalists had been killed by Army death squads. "A riveting thriller of murder, politics, and lies." -London Broadcasting "An extraordinary story that speaks from and to the heart. And a terrifying depiction of one man's battle against the CIA and Latin American death squads." -BBC "A riveting story where even the good guys are bad guys, set in the politically corrupt and drug infested world of present-day Central America." -Middlesborough Evening Gazette "The climax is among the most horrifying I have ever read." -Liverpool Daily Post An ideal thriller for the beach, but be prepared to be there when the sun goes down."-Herald Express

My thought
I have read a lot of thriller and action adventure novels. There are many aspects in this novel : warfare, drug smuggling, a terrifying jungle, and the depths of both depravity and love. The relationships are told with heart aching emotions and actions. This book is a really a page turner.  There are not enough words to describe how outstanding and entertaining this book is. Intriguing, exciting, captivating, sexy… absolutely incredible! 
I really enjoyed this book.i just finished it...a great thriller:) 
The descriptions of violence are very detailed. This book is recommended for adult who love thriller story.