Book Review: Violet are Blue

My rating
3 stars

D.C. Detective Alex Cross has seen a lot of crime scenes. But even he is appalled by the gruesome murders of two joggers in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park - killings that look more like the work of savage beasts than humans. Local police are horrified and even the FBI is baffled. Then, as Cross is called in to take on the case, the carnage takes off, leaving a trail of bodies across America and sweeping him to Savannah, Las Vegas, New Orleans, Los Angeles . . as his nemesis, the merciless criminal known as the Mastermind, stalks him, taunts him, and once again, threatens everything he holds dear...

My opinion
James Patterson bring the supernatural world to a view that makes some sense. great thriller. the plot just didn't work for me. too much of an attempt to keep the reader guessing as to who the ultimate villain is.
I didn't like the vampire part of this book, but I did like the end where the true identity of the Mastermind is revealed.
try and read the Alex Cross novels in order as I've found that there are spoilers in the later novels which removed some of the tension in this book. 
Nevertheless a typical Patterson read; fast-paced, suspenseful and with plenty of murders!
  • A friend of mine once defined love as finding someone you can talk to late into the night.

  • “Human existence must be a kind of error. It is bad today and every day it will get worse, until the worst of all happens."

  • Rules made you predictable, less of an individual. Rules made you less free, less authentic, less yourself.

  • Charles Manson’s words came to mind: Total paranoia is just total awareness.

  • A man tells his psychiatrist that everybody hates him. The psychiatrist says he’s being ridiculous — everybody hasn’t met him yet.

  • the three C’s that some men are so fond of: compete, criticize, control.”

  • “I especially recommend Carol Page’s Bloodlust: Conversations with Real Vampires.

  • “A real vampire,” he told me, “is a person born with an extraordinary gift. He, or she, has the capacity to absorb, channel, transform, and manipulate pranic energy — which is the life force. Serious vampires are usually very spiritual