Can't Buy Me Love (2013)

I got a copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Thank you to Inscribe digital  for the opportunity to read and review Can't Buy Me Love


Hurts from her past keep freegan Vanessa Fauchon stuck in a dead end relationship that feeds her heart about as much as an unvarying diet of stale bagels feeds her body. When she digs a scrapbook from the dumpster, the last thing she expects is to fall in love with the sexy Latino man in its pages. With the rich friendship and hands-on love of her strong and zany female friends – a luchadora, a yarn-bombing midwife, a professor and foraging partner, a psychic Jewish grandmother, a savvy fellow bartender, and her deeply religious, unofficially adopted mothers – Vanessa heals from her past and begins to build the graceful life she thought was out of her reach. Her love story with Javier seems on course for a happy ending, until Vanessa is publicly humiliated and loses Javier's trust. Faced with losing Javier for good, Vanessa must decide if she's willing to fight for what she loves. This is a tale of romance, friendship, and healing the hurts of the past. Fans of The Sugar Queen (Sarah Addison Allen), The Lost Recipe for Happiness (Barbara O'Neal), or Julia's Chocolates (Cathy Lamb) are sure to wrap themselves around Can't Buy Me Love.

My thought 
The author does a great job of connecting the reader to the characters. I finished the book thinking, yeah, I know those people. It's a wonderful plot with a great message of redemption. Kinard includes several strong female characters in this novel which is a great change of pace from some other recently popular novels. And Javier, the lead male character, is the perfect gentleman, kind, loving, respectful, and sexy! Summer fills her story full of hope and humor, which are two things we all could use more of. To see so many of the people in the book strengthened by real love is inspiring. The healing brought about by this love is very comforting. Summer shows us through her characters what behaviors and relationships we might look for in the world to imitate and partake in so that our own person and faith may be strengthened. This is a book is so much fun to read. I will be gifting it to friends and family at every opportunity!